Wild World: A Playlist

Wild World: A Playlist

This month’s GB Playlist:

 “Wild World” by Cassie Lopez

For all your house cleaning or boo-lovin’ needs, we present another vibey playlist! Simply put - it’s time for you to get your energy right! No one has the answers, too many of us are struggling with food insecurity, too many others are trying to manage anxiety &  grief. But even in the midst of all of that, sometimes we need a healthy escape, a step back to recalibrate. This playlist is meant to remind you of your baddest, most lively self, to remind you that even in this circumstance, you have the power to be fully present and at peace. These featured artists weren’t afraid to say they loved themselves (and twerking is good exercise) so soak in all these good vibes! Push aside that coffee table, dance it out, and dig deep to find all that deserves to be celebrated. This too shall pass.

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