Up until a few years ago, I had never heard of the term “fast fashion”. Though I was always conscious of my environmental impact in other aspects of life (I made sure to recycle, cut out meat, reduce my consumption of single use plastics, etc.), I had never considered the fact that my wardrobe wa...
Looking for a place to volunteer on a Saturday morning in Philly? Check out Books Through Bars. Here’s why:
The environment at Books Through Bars is warm and inviting with an air of importance - and rightly so. Every volunteer and coordinator in the small room are unwaveringly devoted to their ca...
Hello, hello neighbors!
Last week we hosted our first ever Pop-Up Shop Party and it was an incredible success!
If not now, when?
I spent some time this week reading Hot, Flat, & Crowded: Why We Need A Green Revolution- And How it Can Renew America, a book written by Thomas Friedman in 2008 and then revisited & expanded by Friedman in 2009. It’s well written and straightforward and it definitely re...